Thursday 5 March 2009

As I was saying.....

Work Room chat:
My current infatuation. Wire wrapped rings! =D It's kinda fun and you can complete one ring in under 10 minutes! Really! But of course, I'm talking about those simple ones for beginners la. Even then, it's still loads of fun! Go try one out yourself today!


Some of you have asked me about my temporary relocation and I just realized how preoccupied I was with the clearing exercise that I forgotten to elaborate more on it after dropping hints that I'll be leaving this month. Heh! Really sorry about that!

I thought I had better come out to clear the air else you guys might think that I'm closing down The Work Room and Atelier Wendy Sue. Well, NO. Tips and tricks as well as new creations will still continue but probably done a bit differently than how it used to be done. Well, maybe. Heh! Either way, the show will definitely still go on.

Alright, enough of me blabbing already and I shall get to my point. Yes, I'm leaving end of this month. On the 28th to be exact. Where to? To the UK. Which part of the UK? Nottingham. For how long? Tentatively 6 months. I'm using the word tentatively here because I think I am now at a stage where I'm open to all possibilities and options and nothing is stamp-inked certain. What for? Well, a big part of it is to take a breather and for a change of environment that I've been wanting for a while now.

If you've read my artist profile before, I think I made a mention of a brain aneurysm episode which I had 4 years ago which somehow got me into jewellery making. Well, that's the medical term. What it actually means is that there were bleeding in my brain due to a ruptured blood vessel. Yes, I know it sounds scary but then, that's becaause it IS that scary.

Anyway, there was a point in time when I was greatly disabled. There wasn't much that I could do and there were many things that I couldn't do. Jewellery making, surprisingly, was the only thing that I could do well, if not better than other normal people.

What happened was in some way a big blow to me, especially to my confidence, from some one able to disable. Because of what happened, I was put in a very vulnerable state, much vulnerable than what I could ever imagine myself to be and there was this new found fear.

Well, I'm not as greatly disabled as how I used to be but due to the brain injury, I'm left with some disability; a balance disorder, where I haf difficulty balancing myself and some mild motor impairment in terms of coordination of movement and so on. I look every bit like a normal person but normal I am not quite.

The disbility that I am left with now is not too obvious except for maybe, the walking part. To put it simply, if you were to see me walking outside a pub at 2 a.m. in the morning, you might have thought that I had too much of a drink when in fact, I don't even drink! LOL! And also some other physical movement like going up the stairs independantly, hop, run, skip, jump, just to name a few, that I still can't do.

To cut the long story short, :) , this UK trip is somewhat for self empowerment kinda thing. A testament of some sort on how I will now learn to manage my independance once again given the new circumstances that I've now been put into. But of course, my Sa Kor is there and I'll be living with her while I'm there. I could have opted for some place closer to home but I wanted a change of environment after the seclusion for the past 4 years.

Well, that's basically the big part of it. But it won't be right for me to just go there for the air, would it? LOL! I will also be taking the opportunity for more exposure in terms of jewellery making. Probably attend some classes or something to learn new techniques or expand on existing ones should the opportunity arise. A visit to some craft fairs also, maybe? Just to see how they do it over there. Basically, no set plan but just to take in whatever experience that I can get for the better. =)

Wish me luck, folks!

Nottingham Castle

The infamous Robin Hood who robs from the rich to give it to the poor.

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  1. Hi wendy, all the best to you.
    wish you get well soon. Sad to hear that but happy to hear that you are still so motivated with jewellery making and do everything to improve yourself I am jealous to see that you can stay in EUROPE for long. That is my dream ^_^

  2. Thank you everyone for your well wishes! Really appreciated them. :)

    It was indeed rather unfortunate how things happened the way they did but at the same time, I was also very fortunate in so many other ways. So, I guess, it shouldn't be something to wallow over.

    Thank you all and do stay tuned for my adventures in the UK, alright! ;)

  3. Hi Wendy, just dropping by now...All the best in the UK, ok? Hoping that you will find new inspirations while away. :) Will look fwd to updates..Cheers!
