Thursday 9 April 2009

Funky Pots @ Westbridgford

Work Room chat:
I hope you like the new layout. I realize the changes weren't that great apart from perhaps, the sizes of the columns but I did try a new template but totally messed it up. Luckily, I had a backup of the original template but still it was kinda messed up when I upload them again. So, for now, I think I'll just stick to this layout until I figure out how. o_O


And so the past week has been one occupied with Funky Pots' branch studio opening in West Bridgeford which finally open its doors to customers yesterday. Weather was pretty good yesterday by the way, sunny and bright! :D

Everyone stayed up till very late the night before to put on the finishing touches to the new premise. We reached home about 1:00 am and I only managed to hit the sack around 2:00 am after washing up.

It was showering a little in the evening.

Everyone's working it out.....

Even Aunty Sandy came all the way from Derby to lend a helping hand.

Bottles and bottles of paints.

Shaunee and Vicki's masterpiece. They are both only 11 and 12 by the way.

Leaving their mark behind.

Funky Pots Westbridgford is finally open the next morning.....

I really like the interior.....very cheery warm and cozy. :)

You know it's good weather when people are only dressed in short sleeves with no bulky jackets and scarfs in sight! LOL......

The cafe area may be smaller than the one at Huntingdon Street but the kitchen here is much more spacious, erm, does that make any sense to you?

While everyone was busy with painting the sample pieces......

I couldn't join in the fun because I was here....

Doing some last minute printed work for the shop, and that's my blueberry muffin for lunch.

But, I'm not to miss out on the fun. =P

I managed to finish up with the printed work just in time to join in the fun! Heheh!

A golf bag pen holder bisque.

I didn't specifically chose to paint this but Uncle Ghee's wife put some 5 of them out for us to paint. I was the last to paint and spend almost 3 hours painting it.

Wanted to paint a realistic looking golf bag rather than a cartoonish one, like what the rest did. Ahaks! =P

So, this was what I eventually came up with......


I've painted it with the creases and everything but I don't think it shows much in the picture. Even in real the colours are quite pale. It is only after glazing and firing in the kiln that the colour will show more prominently.

It was easy to cheat paint the creases here actually since the bisque itself come with the creases and all. All I had to do was only to paint a darker shade on the crease area. Unlike like say, on paper or 2D medium, where you actually have to imagine the creases.

It's not exactly done yet. There's still some stripes thingy that I haven't painted yet as you can see from the picture. I'll most probably go get it done tomorrow when I drop by West Bridgford. Can't wait to see how it will turn out after glazing and firing in the kiln!

p/s: Just in case some may be wondering if I purposely came over for Funky Pots Westbridgford's opening, well, I did not and neither did I plan it. It was just a coincidence. =P LOL......

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