Monday 11 May 2009

Patchings Art Centre

Work Room chat:
Heard that Patchings is having some Art Festival some time during this month, or next, I'm not sure and apparently, Sa Kor said we'll be popping over. So, more on Patchings Art Centre then! ;)


Patchings Art Centre is this really cool arts centre where you have some independent artist renting a gallery there to display their work and such. There's not many of them but they do have quite a variety of artists there.

There's also art shops ....

and a nice little cafe where you can enjoy your meal outdoors (provided that the weather's good, of course!)

....... while enjoying the view.

Says who you can only get 'Sakura" in Japan? :P

I was there the past weekend because Shaunee was taking art lesson with one of the painter there and Sa Kor also mentioned that there were one or two handmade jewellery gallery there and thought that I might be interested to pop over and have a look.

Well, there were two that I went to. The first was a one unit gallery selling ethnic inspired handmade jewellery. That I did not manage to snap any picture.

The next one I went to was the Crewyard Gallery.

Now, this is one that I really like a lot. It's a much bigger space, probably about 3 unit gallery and carries works by various artist. I really liked the interior deco a lot!

This is the back portion. Love the huge mirror!

And this, the middle portion. Erm, well... it's a shame that I didn't manage to snap the front portion. -__- But anyway, I sure think that the middle and back portion was totally awesome!

There's still some other artsy places that Sa Kor said that she wanted to take me to but she's been so bogged down with work and chauferring the little princess around which makes time a little tight but then and again, time is what I have anyway! :P

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