Friday 19 June 2009

A date with Robin

Work Room chat:
It's all happening next week! All the jewellery making 'events'.
*One possibly related to jewellery making: I'll be attending a one day 'mystery' workshop. I have no idea what workshop it is other than it's a craft related workshop. This workshop was signed up for me by Uncle Ghee and even he himself have no idea what workshop it is because it was something organized by his supplier and that was exactly how they coined it; 'mystery'! Fingers crossed that it could be something interesting.
*I'll be teaching a jewellery making workshop as a guest teacher in Funky Pots!
*And over the weekend, I'm going to attend a 2 full-day workshop for basic glass bead making! Yes, it's lampworking, folks!
Oh, boy.... this sure is going to be one hell of an exciting week! XD


Yes!! I finally get to meet Robin!

Which other Robin did you otherwise think I was referring to? :P

Robin Hood statue outside Nottingham Castle.

This is only this first time I'm visiting the Robin Hood statue and Nottingham castle despite being my second visit to Nottingham already! The last time I was here, for some strange reasons, I just didn't make it to this place. -_-

Anyway, considered mission accomplished la! XP

This is for you who do not know what Robin Hood is all about.

And this, the movie adaptation of the legend with Kevin Costner as the hero back in 1991.

Was over at Nottingham castle with Juju and here's some pictures of the castle.

We were greeted with this upon entering the castle gate.

I would really love to walk down here in autumn! XD

A side shot of the famous Nottingham Castle.

Sorry, couldn't show you pictures of the inside of the castle!

Another shot of the compound of the castle.

The castle has got a very very nice garden compound. Although the same can't exactly be said about the castle itself. It wasn't as majestic as it appears to be or I was hoping it to be. I'm not sure if it was because they merely open certain portion of the castle for public viewing only or what...but... *shrugs*

The garden compound was really really awesome though! Made me feel like rolling around the grass ala Bollywood movies! Ahaks!

And the gorgeous weather that day is just like adding icing frosting to the cake! XD

Love the sky that day!

Despite sunny and all, the wind was really strong also and it the wind was really chilly!! o_O

I also saw the oldest inn in England. :)

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