Friday 5 June 2009

Stop for a minute......

Work Room chat:
Patchings Farm Art Festival is this coming Sunday! Can't wait! =D


Just the other day on FB, my friend went "Holy crap! It's June already!" on her status update.

Aaaahh, yes. Half a year has just gone by already. It feels as though only yesterday Sa Kor as well as Uncle Ghee and family was just down in Malaysia to celebrate Nick's wedding. But that was in Dec '08!

Even when I visited Corra's blog, she too was looking back from Pipa's.

Even Jenny was writing about some form of reflection which somehow makes me also want to stop for a minute and look back as well, especially also since this year is somewhat a turning point in my life of some sort. *shrugs*

Around this time last year was when I set up Atelier Wendy Sue. It was also then that I learn more about html and codes and css and how a website works and stuffs like that. I actually had the site some time back already but never did much about it since I was such a noob in computer stuffs.

It's quite surprising, really; considering I'm not always such a computer savvy person and now I can even make some tweaks on my blog's XML file and play around with the template! (it can even get quite addictive, by the way!LOL......)

Before this, I only use the computer to check my mail. Now? I can't imagine a life without computer and Internet! I think I can probably live without a handphone but NEVER a computer with internet connection!

Computer never played any part in my life. You see, even assignments during college years were supposed to be handwritten. Any typed assignments will be rejected. So, there was never a need for computer. All the more when I'm staying away from home, in which case computer wasn't readily accessible. Forget about those in college because the connection sucks so much that I just don't think it's worthwhile paying for it.

What I never even dreamt of was to make jewellery for a living. Just last year, I was still juggling between teaching and jewellery making but I've decided to make jewellery full time from this year onwards.

It wasn't always an easy decision especially when you come from a typical Chinese family like mine, where your parents would no doubt be expecting you to do what is typically expected; doctors, accountants, lawyers, engineers and what have you. Try telling them you want to make jewellery for a living and see how high they are going to arch their brows.

Even up until today, my mum is still trying to persuade me to go for teacher training since a pursuance of a legal career is not quite possible anymore. The level of stress that comes with that profession ain't gonna be of much help healthwise. Teacher training does in fact seems like a more sensible choice.

Well, it's not that I don't like teaching but I find it a bit tormenting to teach when my heart is constantly elsewhere. It feels like an affair in a relationship. To constantly think about someone else when you're already with someone. It's unfair to all and in the end, hurt is what you'll get, more than anything else.

Ok, that is probably not a very good analogy but you get my point.

You just have no idea how just a few words of encouragement from just anyone gives me the assurance and lift my spirit when I'm beginning to doubt my decision. Thank you all for your kind words. They mean the world to me because this is really really really what I wanted to do.

Took a stroll with Judy outside today and captured this picture. That is quite a view, isn'it? Nottingham is indeed a very beautiful place, I must say.....

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