Saturday 10 October 2009

Metal Clay : Jewellers' Play Doh

Hhhhmmmm.....I'm now trying to post an entry everyday. Too much procrastination already!

I know I missed an entry yesterday but because I've made a resolution to go to bed early, I had to skipped yesterday's entry. My skin's been breaking out like crazy.... and I've got a few wedding dinner to attend next month! ..... -_-

Sleeping late always causes my skin to breakout like nobody's business...... :(

Anyway, that's not the topic for today.

Since its inception, precious metal clay/metal clay/silver clay has not impressed many of the conventional silversmiths and has earn a reputation as the jeweller's Play Doh! LOL....


This is why!

A mould



Is that not Play Doh? :P

Doing it the conventional way would require me to carve on metal sheet and carving alone would take me yonks to master but metal clay allows me to come up with something impressive (ok, maybe not really impressive but seemingly impressive :P) in mere minutes.

When I first show it to a fren, she thought I carved it out or something.

I told her, heck, no! I can't for the life of me carve anything! I remembered even the piece of wood that I was required to carve during art class back in school days had the help of grandpa. Now, my grandpa CAN do real carving but not the granddaughter! :P

So, do you see how just anyone can make silver jewellery now? *rolls eye*

But seriously.....? The above is just MY work lar...... LOL.... :P

It's rough and unpolished and so obvious that it came from a mould! LOL......

THIS is the work of a metal clay artist.

Mary Ellin D'Agostino - Cherry Blossoms

Impressive, no?

Visit here and here to view more pictures of artist working in metal clay world.

Just a short one for today........ it's bedtime already..... :P

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  1. I think thats why silversmiths don't like it, anyone can do it too easily when they spent loads of time on this sort of thing before. I'm gunna get hold of some silver clay and try it out for myself.

    Handmade Jewellery

  2. Yeah, I thought so too...but it's still a fun medium to work with! ;)

  3. hi. Just saw some of the stuff you've made. Very impressive! :)

    Just a question... where do you get metal clay supplies here in Malaysia?

  4. Hi Bruno,

    You're too kind. :) They still look kinda amatuer-ish to me. LOLs.....

    Well, I get mine from Cookson Gold, a UK based website.

    But in Malaysia, I know you can get it from Multifila. Their warehouse is somewhere in Balakong.

    But Multifila carries only PMC and I wanted to use Art Clay, which is why I got mine from Cookson.

    Anyways, if you want Multifila's contact, just drop me a msg or something. :)

  5. Are you using Play Doh for a mold??
    Doesn't pushing the PMC into the mold distort the mold?

  6. oh, no..... Play Doh won't make the cut at all! It's not even strong for mould and you risk the two sticking together and you'll risk contaminating the silver content in the silver clay when the two do stick together cuz I'm not sure how Play Doh's going to burn off. Bad idea.......

    The mould is actually made from moulding compound which comes in two part. I reckon it's some kind of resin? It hardens when the two parts are mixed together. These are specifically used to create moulds.

  7. hello there. :)
    just found out your blog, and also this post.

    anyway, you did mention about Multifila above, I was wondering if they do sell online, and if so, how do we find the price of each item?

    thank you :)

  8. Hey there,

    Sorry for the late reply. If I'm not mistaken, I don't think they sell online. I think you'll need to visit their showroom in Balakong.
