Monday 1 June 2009

Juju's in da house!

Work Room chat:
A couple of interesting events are happening this month. Erm, four of them I think but only three is jewellery making related; one of which not even I myself know what it's going to be but very excited about it nonetheless! There's one VERY interesting one also but I'm not going to reveal what this is yet since it's yet to be confirmed. All happening somewhere end of the month. Just stay tuned, ya! ;)


Alright, and so I've been pretty quiet for the past week. My bad.....

Cousin sis was here since last weekend for a visit from London. So, we've been hanging out a bit for the past week, munching, munching and more munching! LOL.....

She was also down at Funky Pots for some pottery painting and painted this awesome mug!

Oh, well...we did after all, share the same art teacher. Ahaks! XP

On a side note.... I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but the black side panel on Funky Pots got a new facelift with this siren red panel!

Man, that's sure to capture ANYONE's attention alright! LOL.......

p/s: Alright, alright, the tutorial is done already. Just need to write up a post on it. Will try to get it up tonite....erm, that's tomorrow Malaysian time. Heheh.... :P

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