Monday 29 June 2009

Summer BBQ

Work Room chat:
I figure I'll post this post first for some leisure reading as I sort out all the pictures from last week's workshop. Coming up, Precious Metal Clay 2 full day course this weekend! XD


The English people love the sun. which is not surprising, considering they don't get much sun in this part of the world. They literally go 'crazy' on sunny days! LOL.....

Even when it's the summer now, we don't get sun everyday like back home in Malaysia. The weather is only not as cold, what most people here would say that it's just nice whereas I'll just say that the cold is more bearable as compared to other seasons. I'm not exactly a big fan of cold or chilly weather. :P

So, when weather is good, the people here like to stay outdoors which is why you'll see many people barbequeueing in their garden and meat and poultry are on sale in supermarkets.

The interesting about BBQ here is how you have the option to use disposable BBQ pit rather than the troublesome work we do back home with the charcoal and stuffs. Well, some over here still adhere to the custom practice of BBQ of either burning with charcoal or electric but I'm just saying that they also have the disposable one as one more option.

Or maybe, we do have this type of disposable BBQ pit in Malaysia, that I did not know of?..... *shrugs*.....

Anyway, it's less messier and take up less space.....

Undoubtedly also it's not as much fun as the charcoal pit BBQ but having said that, doon't belittle this compact sized BBQ pit because it burned for more than an hour that day! Although the food also gor burnt more easily due to the closer proximity of the food ad the fire. :P

Yes! We even made our own satay! XD

And this is what we had for dessert! =D

I made some strawberry and grape pieces Konyaku jelly which was laid out on a platter which Shaunee who insisted that I had to made this known to every single person who ever laid their eyes on this picture later made into a fruit platter with strawberries, cherries and rasberries.

This is why I love summer!

From L to R: Shaunee, Aunt Jenny (Uncle Ghee's wife), moi, Uncle Ghee and Sa Kor. We're all happy campers! Except for Uncle Ghee's stoic expression... o_O

The dessert tray by the way, was painted by Aunt Jenny.

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