Wednesday 1 July 2009

Country Love Ceramics Open Day Pt. I

Work Room chat:
Okay, I'm still beading hearts. LOL..... Last count, I've beaded 8 of 'em! And I'm still planning on beading more!! XD


Country Love Ceramics (CLC) is actually one of Uncle Ghee's supplier. Very often, they organized open day, workshops and what not to introduce new product and also teach the techniques to use them.

Despite the name, they actually do more than just ceramics, although they started off with ceramics and ceramics is still a large part of their business but that is not the ONLY thing that they do.

Well, just like how Funky Pots which started off as a pottery studio, is similarly now gearing towards a craft studio.

Anyway, apart from ceramics, CLC also offer a whole range of other craft products. Soap making, Art Clay, Enameling, Art Clay, Decopatch and etc, just to name a few that I remembered.

I'll be breaking this story into three parts so as not to sound too long winded. LOL.... :P

This first part will just be an introductory post of some sort on CLC and the next two would be on the crafts that I did during their workshop. I did in total 4 different types of craft during the workshop and I'll break them up in 2 different posts or the story will end up very.... well, long winded. :P

Yes, as I was saying......

CLC is based in Oxon, near Oxford, some 2 and a half hours drive away. Mad! That's like the distance from my hometown to KL! Travelling THAT distance for some workshop, to be honest, is no fun at all.... -__- But the experience and workshop is though! :P

CLC was located in some industrial business centre.

The workshop was held in some kind of a conference room in the building. We were seated on a table of 5 and I think there must be some approximately 30 people or so in the room that day.

As you can see, craft products are all over the place.

The day started off with Jenny introducing some new products.

But what caught my attention was the leaflet on the table.

For some reasons, I just thought that they were cool and was really anticipating to see these stuffs and how they work. I find just the name is very captivating in itself already! LOL......

And then they were passing around a lot of the craft products, none of which that caught much of my attention untill this thing show up on our table.

Now, doesn't that looks familiar? ;) Turns out to be for kids.... but then, adults could also equally make use of it! :P

And then there were also......

Polymer clay! Now, that's actually something I've heard a lot of but never personally come in touch with.

There were also some sample bracelets, with beads made from Fimo that was being passed around.

Glitter queen, anyone? ;)

Alright, I just had to show you guys this!

Sweet like chocolate!

Like, how freakin' cute is THAT? LOL......

But these...... were just simply ingenious!

Simulation of the turqoise gemstone!

Pretty clever, isn't it? And I think the brown one even looked like wooden bead.

This was mounted on sterling silver ring!

And my eyes literally twinkled when I finally get to see the crystal and glass effect gel in the works and I sure think that they were really nice lor!

The glass effect ones......

And the crystal effect ones.....

Okay, this is not created from the gel pens but some silver/gold leaf thingy but I just love the burnt look on the glass. Heheh!

Pretty nice, eh? ;)

And now, back to the main point.

We came back from lunch to see that these were awaiting us on the table already....

Stay tuned to find out what follows! ;)

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