Tuesday 7 July 2009

Country Love Ceramics Open Day Pt. III (Final)

Work Room chat:
For those of you who does or are interested in polymer clay, you might wanna check out this site with heaps of tutorials on not just the clay itself but also the different clay effects. The turials made it look so simple...... o_O


The last instalment to the CLC Open Day post.

So I did glass painting, and then fabric painting. What's next?

A notebook?

Earlier on, we were shown a sample where the cover of the notebook was painted with some kind of paint. Some kind of paint cuz I don't remember what paint Jenny says it was already. :P

It didn't work cuz the paint cracked on the cover.

Hhhmmm, I'm not too sure about the 'didn't work' part cuz I find the cracked paint on the cover looked kinda cool.

Anyway, we won't be doing any painting to our notebook cover. Instead, we'll be doing some paper craft!

These are special kind of papers, called the Decoupatch papers. I couldn't find much info in English about these papers so I'll just be telling you what I heard from Uncle Ghee.

These papers are produced by a French company. The papers comes in an array of colours and designs (I've noticed that they are all actually patterned papers) and are very thin, something like those tracing papers back home. Even thinner, I dare say! But the difference is, these papers have got a more luxury feel to it and I also find them quite strong.

They are thin enough for you to tear but yet don't tear easily. Erm, get what I mean? A little contradictory there, I know but in other words these are good quality wafer thin papers. There, that should sums it up! :P

In fact, I also find that you could easily hand tear them in a straight line.

There's one catch though. You can't just use any glue. You'll have to use their special glue for the paper to end up with a nice glossy finish.

The paper can be used on any type of surface. We did ours on thick cupboard on the cover of the notebook. Uncle Ghee tried it on pottery before. I've seen them in his studio in the city. I'll take a pic of it and show it next time.

It appears that the company who produces those papers even coat 32 layers of them on the surface of their company's car to be driven around France. Some sort of publicity, I reckon.

Anyway, there's no doubt that those are really nice papers indeed!

So here's what you do. You brush the surface with the deco glue. Paste the paper on and then brush another layer of glue on top of the paper. The glue is white but dries clear. So, no worries there.

I was told that I could just take one big piece of paper and glue it straight away to the surface. But then, what fun is there? :P

I've decided to do it collage style instead! LOL........

So, I just simply tear and paste and came up with this!

No masterpiece there, but it was fun! :P

I quite like the one done by the uncle sitting next to me though.

Nice colour combi there!

And this is Uncle Ghee's.

The green-ish part felt a 'lil Christmas-sy, don't you think?

These should look very familiar to some of you. ;)

Polymer clay is something I've always heard and wondered about but only come in contact with for the very first time.

I know many beaders have been playing around with polymer clay for a while now since it is fun and very convenient to get involved with since these clay only requires to be oven bake.

Frankly speaking, I don't know much about polymer clay other than the two brands of Fimo and Sculpey.

Anyway, that was the first time that I actually touched and felt what polymer clay is like although I've tried those Korean air dried clay, I-Clay by Amos before. I didn't use them for jewellery making though. Just some figure sculpting for fun.

We were supposed to make a cupcake with the given clay.

And that's Andy. He's the expert for the day. He was the one going on rounds demonstrating how those stuffs are used. I think he's also conducting a workshop on polymer clay at CLC some time in August.

And so, I made the cupcake base with the brown clay.

I think it looked more like a mushroom than a cupcake! LOL.....

And then, some icing decoration on top.....

That's one ugly cupcake for you. -__-

But, but.............. I was relieved that mine was not the most un-cupcake looking, to say the least. :P You should look at Uncle Ghee's.


What the.......??? All you need to do is to draw a pair of eyes, a nose and a mouth and there you have it! A man with pink turban on his head! LOL..... :P

Even the uncle who sat next to me made a nicer cupcake than mine lor. -_-

Emmmmmm, at the moment, I feel that polymer clay is not my thing. I'm not sure if it's due to the lack of time (cuz the polymer clay session was the last one for the day and everyone was packing to leave already) or what, but I sure did not manage the clay well and neither have I got the urge to explore further. Oh, well..... maybe in time to come when I've learned how to make more yummilicious looking cupcakes! :P

Anyway, the cupcake was not oven bake. So I wouldn't know how it will turn out but it's not like it will miraculously turn into this gorgeous looking yummilicious cupcake anyway. :P

You really gotta give it to those polymer clay artist la!

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