Sunday 5 July 2009

Country Love Ceramics Open Day Pt.II

Work Room chat:
Have you heard? There's now an annual fee of USD10.00 for membership at Handmade Jewelry Club cuz it seems like the total membership has exceeded the amount allowed by the Blogger platform. Existing members could still retain their free membership bu posting at least 2 articles a month. I've decided to retain my free membership and therefore I guess you will also be seeing me a lot over there! ;)


Back to CLC Open Day......

This was what I found amongst the stuffs left on the table for us after lunch, just as I was hoping..... =D

Apart from the rhinestone stuffs you see above, there were also loads of other stuffs on the table which we can use to decorate whatever it is we will be doing for the rest of the day.

Unfortunately, I didn't make use of all of it because well, it just didn't cross my mind. You know how it is when you're not too familiar with the use of something, it basically just doesn't cross your mind as much to make use of it.

Also, it was all done in a short span of time that you don't really have the time to brainstorm for ideas and come up with the best possible effect. It was just enough time for you to try them out.

Well, that's just what I think anyway.

So, okay... the glass effect gel. No surprise here. You just uncapped it and it looks like a pen. So, sorry, forgotten to take a pic of it uncapped but yeah, you just press the tube for the gel to come out at the tip and start decorating on glass.
The come in a few colours too.

The thing I don't quite like about the pen is the tip. It's kinda difficult to control the exact amount that you are squirting out, so you get this uneven blop. Just look at the flowers on my glass...... -__-

I reckon one probably need more practise to master the use of it?

Hhhmmmmm, or maybe I should have done like what Uncle Ghee did. Random swirls and dots and lines. That way, at least the disparity is not so obvious and even if they are, they seems to work out well as part of the design, doesn't it?

Not to mention that Uncle Ghee finishes decorating his very fast too, in under 5 minutes!

Actually, I quite like the transparent ones best because even though they go on as opque white when wet, they dry up very nicely in a glass-like transparency which feels more like glass.

Mine took a bit longer and ended up something like this.....

Honestly, I think they are so hideous that I felt like throwing them out of the window lor. Oh, well...... -__-

When I showed Juju this when I got back home that day, she was kinda excited about the pen. Juju does a bit of stained glass back in Malaysia as a hobby. But stained glass require firing which she couldn't do since she hasn't got a kiln. So, what she has been doing all the while is not touching the glass after she has worked on them. Something like can see only but cannot touch, which I thought is a real shame. That is why when she heard of this pen, she was quite excited about it.

Next up, they swap those glass effect gel pens on our table with this .....

and this

And we were also given a canvas material pencil case.

Basically, what we will be doing is to paint on fabric without the use of fabric paint. But how are we going to make acrylic paint stays on fabric?

The all important point lies within this bottle.

What you do is to add 2 parts of the acrylic paint to 1 part of the fabric medium. This is the cheaper alternative to getting fabric paint, which I heard is much costly.

The first thing that came to my mind was this flashback of a cosmetic case that I must have saw somewhere a while back. I think it's Clinique's if I'm not mistaken. There was this big brush painted pink flower on the cosmetic case, which inspired me to paint mine like this.

But then, it looks too plain just like that and so I added some grass and sky. :P

This is what I finally ended up with.

After painted this, for some strange reasons, I had an urge to do some paintings but of course, I have yet to get about doing it! LOL......

Now, all lined up to dry by the window sill.....

The sun was strong and it was hot just like home that day! Forget to mention also that Uncle Ghee's van has no air-conditioner. -_-

Can you guess which one is done by Uncle Ghee?

Holy moly! I just realize from thia pic that many others also did in a similar design as mine! O_O

I kinda like the one on the back row who did a stained glass like effect ,cuz you see, most people could only think of dots when it comes to those pen. ;)

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