Friday 3 July 2009

Hearts on my sleeve?

Work Room chat:
If you would also like to learn to make the origami box I did here, here's a very clear step by step instructions. It's really very effective and very easy to make!


So not!! LOL.......

Got addicted to beading these cute beaded hearts using Swarovski bicones 5301. They are all very different from one another by the way, except for two, which are the same, just different in size. Can you spot which two? ;)

Actually, I started with only one and later it just got more and more and basically just had to stop myself from beading more cuz I can't be spending all my time beading just hearts! LOL....... But they are just so cute to ignore!

Frankly speaking, the heart shape isn't exactly my favourite shape but for some reasons, I have ended up with a total of 9 beaded hearts to date!

I know the picture only shows 8, so where's the 9th?



I also added a pendant bail to the 9th one and turned it into a heart locket, added a chain to it and will be giving it to Shaunee for her!

The pendant bail was weaved with 4mm silver plated wires on 8mm wire frame using just one of those basic weaving techniques.

Seriously, wire weaving is not something I'm very good at. Bought some tutorials from Corra last year and have still get my hands to try them out. Only managed to glance through the tutorials and my jaw almost dropped just looking at them!

One of these of these days.... I'll give them a go. LOL......

I made this one cuz I wanted the heart locket to hang nicely on the chain and I can't think of any other way other than to make them myself and I think they turn out quite alright! :P

I hope Shaunee will like 'em.

Well, I need to packaged them nicely as well.

I remembered this origami box which I did during college years with my fellow councillors.

It was for the door gift for the annual ball and we were giving away those cheap tea lights from IKEA. Quite an irrelevant door gift but it happens to go well with the theme of the ball that year; "Illuminite". So, tea lights were 'perfect' door gift. LOL.....

Anyway, being students on restricted budget, we couldn't just go out and buy nice boxes to store the tea lights. As irrelevant as the door gift seems, presentation is still an important aspect!

So, one of our fellow councillors taught us this origami box which is very easy to make and very effective.

Nice? ;)

Now, in the necklace go ......

But it still feels like something's missing......

Hhhhmmm..... maybe a ribbon or something on the lid?

So, I rummaged through Sa Kor's room and found this!

See, so pro! Even gives you direction on how to rid of the paper to get to the sticky tape! LOL....

Happy Birthday, little one! As much a pain as you are sometimes :P, have a great one this year!

They say great things come in small packaging and this even resembles Tiffanny's! LOL..... XP

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